Surely you have heard of the chakras, but you may not be very clear about what exactly they are. In this article, I am going to explain what they are.
What is a Chakra?
Chakra, in Sanskrit, means circle or wheel. The chakras are energetic vortices in our body through which our vital energy flows. Each of the seven chakras is related to an aspect of our being and influences both the physical, mental, and emotional planes. Therefore, it is essential that they are in perfect balance.
When the chakras are balanced we enjoy a general sense of well-being and we feel more in harmony and in tune with everything that surrounds us. On the other hand, if one or several chakras are blocked, the other chakras can also start to malfunction and we lose our inner balance. Therefore, to maintain a healthy life it is important to take care of our chakras and keep them in balance.
The concept of the chakras comes from the Hindu tradition and is found within the texts of the Vedas. Mainly, in the so-called “Upanishads”, written around the 7th century B.C.
What do the 7 Chakras mean?
Each Chakra is a confluence zone of energies located along our central channel or Sushumna nadi, located in the spine. Each tradition associates a number of Chakras which can be from four to eleven. Although, in the West, 7 chakras have been incorporated, which can also be found in cultures such as Tibet or even the Mayans.
Likewise, each chakra has a unique frequency that we perceive as one of the seven colors of the rainbow.
Chakra 1 – Muladhara, the Root Chakra
The Root Chakra, Muladhara, is our center of energy and survival. It is located at the base of the spine and can be considered to be our root, the one that keeps us physically and emotionally grounded. It is said that it is the place where the kundalini energy resides, the most powerful energy of impulse and vital force of the human being.
The Muladhara Chakra provides us with a type of energy that makes us feel more satisfied on a vital and material level; it provides us with security and stability. On a physical level, this Chakra is related to the intestine, the legs, the feet, and the base of the spine. When it is blocked we can feel uprooted, guilty, and afraid to face situations of daily life. We can also feel more distracted and have some difficulty concentrating.
The mantra associated with this chakra is “LAM”, the earth element and the color red.
Chakra 2 – Svadhisthana, the Sacral Chakra
The second Chakra, the Svadhisthana Sacral Chakra, is located in the abdomen, below the navel. It is the chakra of sensuality and emotions. For this reason, in balance, it is linked to full and guilt-free sexuality. When it is blocked, a feeling of contempt or repression can appear, as well as it can also be maladjusted in the form of excess and addictions.
This Chakra vibrates in orange and connects us with the water element, allowing us to open up to the flow of life. Physically, it is associated with the hips, genitals, reproductive system, kidneys, and bladder. This Chakra is an opening to new life experiences. It helps us to accept change and sensory experiences that may occur.
The mantra to stimulate this Chakra is “VAM”.
Chakra 3 – Manipura, the Solar Plexus Chakra
The Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura, is the third chakra. It is located about 3 fingers above the navel, and is associated with the color yellow.
Manipura represents personal power. The capacity for action and assertiveness that we have as individuals in the world since it is the energy center associated with self-confidence. Therefore, having this Chakra in harmony helps us in our decision-making. To face risks and establish our limits and personal needs in relation to others. It also conveys in us a will to succeed and helps us establish the principles by which we choose to live.
Its functions are related to the digestive system and transformation. Its element is fire. When the solar plexus is closed or blocked on a physical level, diseases appear in the digestive system such as ulcers, heartburn, stomach pain, etc. as well as chronic fatigue. On an emotional level, one can feel inferior to others, insecure, with a lack of confidence and dissatisfaction with oneself, or, on the contrary, have an excess of ego and stress problems when it is too fast.
The mantra associated with this chakra is “RAM”.
Chakra 4 – Anahata, the Heart Chakra
The fourth Chakra, Anahata, is associated with the heart. That is, to the feelings of love towards others and the openness towards life. Therefore, it is located in the center of the chest. When it is closed, heart or coronary diseases can appear. On an emotional level, it can be difficult for us to relate in a healthy way and feel free to open ourselves to the outside.
It acts as a point of connection and balance between the physical and the spiritual world. Its element is air and it is connected to the respiratory system. The color green is associated with what revitalizes us with the forces of love such as compassion, harmony, friendship, partner love, family love, and love for oneself and existence itself.
The mantra associated with this chakra is “YAM”.
Chakra 5 – Vishuddha, the Throat Chakra
Vishuddha, the Throat Chakra, is the fifth Chakra and is associated with communication, transcendence, and purification. This Chakra helps us occupy our role in society by meeting objectives and goals.
The color turquoise blue is associated with it and its element is ether. It is located in the throat and is related to the neck, jaw, and teeth.
This Chakra represents the engine of creativity and communication. When we work on it, we activate the energy necessary for writing, singing, speaking, and listening. When it is closed, throat and voice problems may appear. We may also experience difficulties in communicating with others and fear expressing ourselves for fear of getting into trouble.
The mantra associated with this Chakra is “HAM” and its vibration is associated with healing power.
Chakra 6 – Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra
Ajana, the sixth Chakra, is the Third Eye Chakra, it is located on the forehead in the area between the eyebrows and connects us with the world of thought and intuition. With the energy that allows us to visualize, and see without having to look and understand. Its color is indigo blue and its element is light. For this reason, it is intimately linked to the pineal gland and to contact with other forms of consciousness.
Its qualities help us improve memory, concentration capacity, and intuition. Allowing us to develop attributes such as imagination, artistic creation, dreams, and the power to visualize.
The mantra associated with this chakra is “OM”.
The 7th Chakra – Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra
The seventh Chakra, the Crown Chakra or Sahasrara is the last Chakra. It is located at the crown of the head and is related to spirituality. It is the Chakra of pure consciousness and its color is violet, although its energy is also white, understood as the highest vibration that covers all existing colors. Therefore, its element is the inner light, the will, and the thought that has the power of the mind.
The blockage of this Chakra shows itself with an expansion of our ego and a need for domination. Blocking this Chakra also leads us to be more rigid in our belief systems and this will hinder our personal growth.
Sahasrara is represented by a lotus flower with hundreds of petals. It puts us in tune with the divinity and grace of our true being; connecting us with infinity, the meaning of life, and devotion.
The mantra associated with this chakra is “AUM”.
Namasté 🧘🏻♀️