

In 2014, I discovered that I loved empowering people, through my voice. In this year I had the opportunity to have my own radio show “Lazos Latinos” and I fell in love with it. I had it until 2020, the year I decided to start my first podcast in Spanish, “Empútate”.

In 2021, I had the opportunity to have my own Talk Show and that’s where my second podcast came from, but this time in English…


con Nancy Rivera

Empútate con Nancy Rivera, es un podcast dirigido al empoderamiento. Cada semana se agrega un nuevo episodio que aborda temas: social, familiar, de pareja, emocional, empresarial, sexualidad, empoderamiento y mucho más. En este podcast, no solo recibirás información y discusión sobre temas X, sino que también como “Coach” te daré herramientas muy valiosas.


Spanish & English website...

BEmpower Women

The Talk Show

This podcast was made thinking about, women. BEW works for each woman, leading them to discover their physical beauty, restoring their spirit with a variety of tools ranging from conventional to holistic. We empower women in different facets of her life, including the professional/business.